Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Taylor the Song Writer

This morning Taylor told me that she had written a song in her head for Jamie's band. She asked if I would write it down for her. Here it is:

When you wake up, you say dogs are the best, cats are the losed
Everyday you say dogs are the best more than cats.
Horses are the best, sheep is the losed, and goats are the winned.
The dog is white, and it's a puggle and it has black spots. And it has flappy ears.

So, Jamie get to work on it. Maybe you could record it for her??

Here is the next one she wrote. She says it is to the tune of Star wars Darth Vader music.

Kitty cats are so bad yes they are
Dogs are the wins on the ship yes they are
horses are the lose on the ship yes they are
Goats are the wins on the ship yes they are
Cows are the lose on the ship yes they are
Lions are the wins on the ship yes they are
Girls and Boys are the wins on the ship yes they are


Diane Robison said...

I can't wait to buy the CD

jus said...

love it!

JER said...

i'm going to play with these lyrics in garage band thank u very much

Lisa said...

I like dog more than cat too!

heidijogoody said...

Ok where does she come up with this stuff! Silly girl